Icelandic National Costume Apron for children
The children's aprons comes in two different national costume, a men's national costume and a "Upphlutur" national costume.
The "Upphlutur" national apron costume is designed in the spirit of the Icelandic "Upphlutur", which is part of the national heritage of the Icelanders. The "Upphlutur" apron is embroidered in decorative stitches like original "Upphlutur", where the pattern consists of traditional floral and leaf wrappings.
The national costume apron for men is in the spirit of men's festive costumes from the 19th century. The buttons on the apron were a prominent feature of men's costume to wear at this time.
The Icelandic National Costume ‘Þjóðbúningurinn’ symbolizes Iceland´s independence and is essential to the country´s identity.
The apron is woven from 100% poly fiber so it is easy to wash and remove difficult stains.